Monday, February 11, 2013

One of.........not necessarily the most, aggravating goat here at Bending Tree Ranch is one we call "BF", short for (tongue in check) "Best Friend." BF used to follow Ms Charlie around all day while we were doing chores. She helped her feed and put out hay. She could squeeze in and out of pens, jumped up in the buggy or the wagon at most stops, etc. Fortunately for ME, it was Ms Charlie that she preferred to shadow. Thus, the name "Best Friend" because she just seemed to love Ms Charlie.

BF is also very LOUD. I have thought seriously about selling her but last year she got herself bred. She was not quite a year old and I was not going to breed her but BF had other plans for herself. She had the most gorgeous kid born that year. Sadly, we lost her baby this past summer in all the extreme heat we were having. Just made us all sick. So, this past Fall I put her back with the same buck and asked her to PLEASE give us another doe kid like her last one. And, bless her heart she did just that plus, one more. 

 For a yearling doe, BF does run a tight ship. She keeps her girls close by at all times. She won't let them curl up in a doghouse with the other kids. If they do go in the doghouse she stands and screams until they come back out. I have to give her credit for her mothering skills. And, thank goodness her babies are very quiet. ~Pat

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